Trigger spray capping machine Delivery | Date:5/10/2015 7:01:46 PM |
Trigger spray capping machine Delivery keyword: Full automatic trigger capping machine, spindle screw caps, locked caps, pump caps, spray caps, cap screwing machine, straight line type capping machine, locked caps capping machine, pump caps capping machine, pump cover capping machine, spray caps capping machine, trigger cap closing machine Video of straight line type capping machine: The spindle capping machine is suitable for spindle screw caps, locked caps, pump caps, and spray caps, lid caps and so on. The caps can be metal, plastic. This is the most popularly used capping machine as it will work for most bottles and caps at speeds up to 200bottle/min depending on cap size and container configuration, especialy suitable for tablets product line. It is equipped with microcomputer, the control system adopts SLSI system, and display working information by digital numbers, which is easy to read and input. It can link with other packaging line or work individually. Compare with traditional intermittent working capper, it works faster and the capping performance is better. The straight way bottle feeding also raise the production capacity. Features: Automatic Capping machine Technical parameter: